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Nutrition Coaching

Can't get to me? We can still work together.

I offer online diet & nutrition coaching for those who want my expertise & support without seeing me face to face. Whether you need complete guidance and accountability to lose some body-fat, or a complete body transformation, you'll check in with me online & I'll map out how you achieve your goal.


Work with me remotely

Pick the best option for you...

(Both 12-Week options can be continued on a month-to-month basis if you require further support after the initial 12 weeks.)

Diet Consultation and


This is a one-off diet consultation, perfect if you just need pointing in the right direction. I'll set your calorie intake, provide you with recipes, give you some targets to hit each day/week and send you on your way.

Personalised Nutrition Programme
(12 Weeks)


Need guidance & accountability with your diet? Someone to check in with? We know diet & exercise go hand in hand when it comes to fat-loss, so let me design & personalised your nutrition to compliment your exercise regime.

Personalised Nutrition & Workout Programme
(12 Weeks)


For 12 weeks I will personalise your nutrition and workouts to push you nearer to your goal. If getting in shape is the dream then let's structure your diet & gym workouts. The perfect option for someone starting out on their journey to a fitter, stronger, healthier version of themselves.


Disclaimer: My services are non-refundable once purchased.



"Within days after starting to work with Jackie I noticed an increase in my energy levels, and a decrease in my negative thoughts around food. Now, having worked with her for almost a year, my life has completely changed. I now have a healthy relationship with food, I am no longer repulsed by the way I look, I have found exercise that I enjoy and I am generally just happier and healthier. Jackie is the most supportive coach you wish for and I couldn't have done this without her daily support."

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